
24.12.2016, grandiose chimie chimérique, fascination ultime et désir sidérant

Relax or Paralysis
Jealousy & Greed
Luxe & Lust
Own & Pride
Illusination & Eye Powder
Quail &Cadmium Red


Visita Interiora Terrae, Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem

All mine is yours
Black Hills
Mon étang était splendide.

Pygmalion, George Bernard Shaw

The man who sold the world, in The Man who sold the World, 1970, David Bowie
The man who sold the world, in MTV Unpluggled in New York, 1994, Nirvana
Liquide, in Contrebande 01. le disque de Noël, 2015, Flavien Berger
Game and Performance, in Felicita, 1983, Deux